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Fresh, Fair & Forward Thinking: Breaking the Mould in the Conference & Exhibition Organiser Industry

​The Conference & Exhibition Organiser industry plays a vital role in shaping global events, fostering innovation, and bringing people together. Yet, beneath its polished veneer lies an uncomfortable truth: a lingering gender disparity that affects recruitment, seniority, and overall diversity. At Live Recruitment, we’re asking: How does your business compare to the industry data? Here’s what our data and experience tell us—and how businesses can turn the tide.


A Tale of Two Worlds

Gender Representation: A Complex Picture

On the surface, the gender split in the Conference & Exhibition Organiser industry appears encouraging. According to Live Recruitment’s latest diversity, equity and inclusion study, female candidates outnumber males more than two-to-one across all roles. However, a deeper dive into seniority and age brackets reveals the cracks; females outnumber males at junior levels, with a slight reduction at middle level. However at senior levels the female representation drops off with the male representation increasing by almost a further 10%compared to its middle level counterpart.



Megan Mitchell, Senior Account Manager at Live Recruitment, notes; "The sales side of the industry remains male-dominated, with around three quarters of candidates being male. That balance tips the scales when we look at senior roles, leaving fewer opportunities for women to climb the ladder."

This shift suggests that while women dominate entry-level and mid-tier roles, progression to senior leadership is where disparities emerge. Societal factors are often argued, such as career breaks for family reasons, returning to work after a hiatus, and limited flexibility around family commitments continue to hinder upward mobility for women.


The Same Old Story: The Problem of Perception

Smaller companies in the sector, often characterised as "pale, male, and stale," are struggling to attract top talent. These businesses often adhere to traditional work structures, such as full-time office-based roles with little flexibility, which are increasingly unappealing to modern candidates.

"It’s not just about the gender split anymore—it’s about values," says Laura Sidhu, Senior Account Manager at Live Recruitment. "Many candidates, especially women, actively avoid roles in “old-school” companies that lack flexibility or a genuine focus on diversity." Meanwhile, larger corporate organisers are leading the charge on DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion). These businesses, aware of the reputational stakes, are embracing change faster than smaller businesses.


Where Is the Conversation?

Unlike other event sectors, the Conference & Exhibition Organiser industry lacks the support networks and focus groups that foster open dialogue about disparities. While the wider events industry has spaces for such discussions, this corner of the sector remains less "fluffy," more sales-driven, and heavily focussed on the commercials.

Without these platforms, there’s limited opportunity to expose disparities and drive meaningful conversation and change. The industry’s culture of competition and performance over people could be portrayed as holding it back from realising its full potential.


Industry Call to Action

The data in Live Recruitment’s DEI study reveals two key trends that should serve as a wake-up call within the industry; the senior-level imbalance - women are underrepresented in senior roles, even as they dominate the junior and middle levels, and age dynamics - the majority of candidates sit in the 32-45 age bracket, a pivotal career stage when women often face societal pressures around family, flexibility, and career progression.

This dynamic isn’t unique to the industry but underscores the need for proactive measures. Addressing the barriers women face during these life stages, such as offering flexible hours, part-time options, and clear return-to-work pathways, can help businesses retain talent and create a more balanced leadership pipeline.


How Does Your Business Compare?

Every organisation in the Conference & Exhibition Organiser industry has a role to play in reshaping its future. Here’s Live Recruitment’s top tips to start:


Rethink Recruitment - Diversifying your talent pool starts with recruitment. As Laura Sidhu advises: "Don’t just start off with the aim of hiring women or men without thinking through what you are really trying to achieve. Instead, review how and where you’re sourcing talent. Is the selection process or interview process unintentionally skewed towards one gender or another? Are your benefits and work culture appealing to all genders? Live Recruitment have years of experience across the sector and can offer free advice and insights!"

Focus on Flexibility - Rigid, old-school structures are no longer competitive. Offering remote work, hybrid schedules, and part-time or flexible roles can make a world of difference in attracting and retaining top talent.

Amplify Awareness - The industry needs its own focus groups and networks to spotlight gender disparity and share solutions. Organisers should take a proactive role in fostering these conversations.


Looking Ahead

The "pale, male and stale" stereotype may still linger, but it’s not unshakable. The industry still has some way to go, but with the crop of new businesses with modern working patterns and flexibility, combined with the bigger market players taking active steps to increase the diversity of their teams, there’s an opportunity for forward-thinking businesses to lead by example. "The companies willing to embrace change—especially in diversity and inclusion—will ultimately be the ones to thrive," says Megan Mitchell.


How does your business compare?
